All publications - existential risk

End-of-life care in elderly cancer patients


Pautex S., Zulian G.B. (2011) End-of-life care in elderly cancer patients, in Aging Health 7, 469-475.

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Staging Encounters with the End in Pre-Apocalyptic-Post-3.11 Japan


Fisch M. (2023) Staging Encounters with the End in Pre-Apocalyptic-Post-3.11 Japan, in Ethnos 88, 30-51.

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Understanding and governing global systemic crises in the 21st century: A complexity perspective


Wernli D., Böttcher L., Masood M., Levrat N., Vanackere F., Kaspiarovich Y. (2023) Understanding and governing global systemic crises in the 21st century: A complexity perspective, in Global Policy [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Resilience of informal settlements to climate change in the mountainous areas of Konso, Ethiopia and QwaQwa, South Africa


Melore T.W., Nel V. (2020) Resilience of informal settlements to climate change in the mountainous areas of Konso, Ethiopia and QwaQwa, South Africa, in Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 12, [pages not available].

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Sovereign Risk and Natural Disasters in Emerging Markets


Klomp J. (2015) Sovereign Risk and Natural Disasters in Emerging Markets, in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 51, 1326-1341.

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Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change


Méjean A., Pottier A., Zuber S., Fleurbaey M. (2023) Opposite ethical views converge under the threat of catastrophic climate change, in Ecological Economics 212, [pages not available].

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The great portal of Cluny III: The correlations of Late Antiquity, Roman and Islamic traditions on an atypical monument


Christe Y. (2014) The great portal of Cluny III: The correlations of Late Antiquity, Roman and Islamic traditions on an atypical monument, in Hortus Artium Mediaevalium 20, 658-665.

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Taylor N.B. (2023) Introduction, in Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies [volume not available], 1-4.

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Land aspects of environmental aspects in using space in Kotamobagu city, North Sulawesi province


Bagaya D.I., Barkey R.A., Solle M.S. (2020) Land aspects of environmental aspects in using space in Kotamobagu city, North Sulawesi province, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473, [pages not available].

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Importance of metapopulation connectivity to restocking and restoration of marine species


Lipcius R.N., Eggleston D.B., Schreiber S.J., Seitz R.D., Shen J., Sisson M., Stockhausen W.T., Wang H.V. (2008) Importance of metapopulation connectivity to restocking and restoration of marine species, in Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, 101-110.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk