All publications - existential risk

Effect of different light on microalgae growth and its integration with carbon dioxide sequestration technologies with emphasis on biofixation by microalgae


Lamba B.Y., Sharma R., Shah S.V., Tiwari A.K., Parveen A., Kumar V. (2023) Effect of different light on microalgae growth and its integration with carbon dioxide sequestration technologies with emphasis on biofixation by microalgae, in Materials Today: Proceedings 73, 92-99.

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Novel triazole derivatives as potential rodenticides against the Norway rat, R. norvegicus: histology, biochemical alternations, and field application


Helmy E.T., Ali M.A., Ayyad M.A., Soliman U.A. (2023) Novel triazole derivatives as potential rodenticides against the Norway rat, R. norvegicus: histology, biochemical alternations, and field application, in Chemical Papers [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Molecularly Imprinted Plasmonic Sensors as Nano-Transducers: An Effective Approach for Environmental Monitoring Applications


Obare S.O., Wei J., Adesanmi B.O., Ayivi R.D., McLamore E.S. (2023) Molecularly Imprinted Plasmonic Sensors as Nano-Transducers: An Effective Approach for Environmental Monitoring Applications, in Chemosensors 11, [pages not available].

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Risk of extreme events in multiobjective decision trees. Part 2. Rare events


Frohwein H.I., Haimes Y.Y., Lambert J.H. (2000) Risk of extreme events in multiobjective decision trees. Part 2. Rare events, in Risk Analysis 20, 125-134.

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Science & Speculation


Currie A. (2023) Science & Speculation, in Erkenntnis 88, 597-619.

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The DA antagonist tiapride impairs context-related extinction learning in a novel context without affecting renewal


Lissek S., Tegenthoff M., Wolf O.T., Glaubitz B. (2015) The DA antagonist tiapride impairs context-related extinction learning in a novel context without affecting renewal, in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9, [pages not available].

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A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment


Jamshidi A., Núñez A., Hajizadeh S., Faghih-Roohi S., De Schutter B., Babuska R., Li Z., Dollevoet R. (2017) A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment, in Risk Analysis 37, 1495-1507.

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Indigenous people from Amazon show genetic signatures of pathogen-driven selection


Couto-Silva C.M., Comas D., Pereira A., Hünemeier T., Pereira L.V., Nunes K., Venturini G., Silva M.A.C. (2023) Indigenous people from Amazon show genetic signatures of pathogen-driven selection, in Science Advances 9, [pages not available].

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Five Years Later: Assessing the Implementation of the Four Priorities of the Sendai Framework for Inclusion of People with Disabilities


Bennett D.D. (2020) Five Years Later: Assessing the Implementation of the Four Priorities of the Sendai Framework for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11, 155-166.

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Models-as-usual for unusual risks? On the value of catastrophic climate change


Lanz B., Zuber S., Bommier A. (2015) Models-as-usual for unusual risks? On the value of catastrophic climate change, in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 74, 1-22.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk