All publications - existential risk

Can a new architectural language be used to elicit an emotional and cultural reaction towards space exploration and celestial mining?


Eskander T. (2016) Can a new architectural language be used to elicit an emotional and cultural reaction towards space exploration and celestial mining?, in Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Correlation functions of boundary and defect conformal field theories


Park C. (2024) Correlation functions of boundary and defect conformal field theories, in Physical Review D 110, [pages not available].

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Mission as Withness


Kaunda C.J. (2023) Mission as Withness, in Expository Times 134, 299-308.

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User Perspectives on Ethical Challenges in Human-AI Co-Creativity: A Design Fiction Study


Maher M.L., Rezwana J. (2023) User Perspectives on Ethical Challenges in Human-AI Co-Creativity: A Design Fiction Study, in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series [volume not available], 62-74.

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Risk shifting in the context of 3D printing: an insurability perspective


Li S., Faure M. (2020) Risk shifting in the context of 3D printing: an insurability perspective, in Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Metaphors of foreign strangers: antimicrobial resistance in biomedical discourses


Kamenshchikova A., Hoebe C.J.P.A., Horstman K., Wolffs P.F.G., Penders J. (2023) Metaphors of foreign strangers: antimicrobial resistance in biomedical discourses, in Science as Culture [volume not available], [pages not available].

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New Ecological Paradigm and third culture kids: Multicultural identity configurations, global mindset and values as predictors of environmental worldviews


Mosanya M., Kwiatkowska A. (2023) New Ecological Paradigm and third culture kids: Multicultural identity configurations, global mindset and values as predictors of environmental worldviews, in International Journal of Psychology 58, 103-115.

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Pandemic cities: biopolitical effects of changing infection control in post-SARS Hong Kong


Füller H. (2016) Pandemic cities: biopolitical effects of changing infection control in post-SARS Hong Kong, in Geographical Journal 182, 342-352.

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Contesting growth in marine capture fisheries: the case of small-scale fishing cooperatives in Istanbul


Ertör-Akyazi P. (2019) Contesting growth in marine capture fisheries: the case of small-scale fishing cooperatives in Istanbul, in Sustainability Science [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Climate Change, Carbon Peaks, and Carbon Neutralization: A Bibliometric Study from 2006 to 2023


Wang T., Chen Q., Wang W., Lau Y.Y., Zhang H., Zhang G. (2023) Climate Change, Carbon Peaks, and Carbon Neutralization: A Bibliometric Study from 2006 to 2023, in Sustainability (Switzerland) 15, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk