All publications - existential risk

If CiE Did Not Exist, It Would Be Necessary to Invent It


Barry Cooper S. (2024) If CiE Did Not Exist, It Would Be Necessary to Invent It, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 14773 LNCS, 3-9.

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Thirdspace Investigations: Geography, Dehumanization, and Seeking Spatial Justice in Kinesiology: National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education 39th Dudley Allen Sargent Commemorative Lecture 2020


Culp B. (2020) Thirdspace Investigations: Geography, Dehumanization, and Seeking Spatial Justice in Kinesiology: National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education 39th Dudley Allen Sargent Commemorative Lecture 2020, in Quest [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Vasilieva N. (2023) PHILOSOPHY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, in The Routledge Handbook of Russian International Relations Studies [volume not available], 57-68.

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Climate change and the imagining of migration: Emerging discourses on Kiribati’s land purchase in Fiji


Kempf W., Hermann E. (2017) Climate change and the imagining of migration: Emerging discourses on Kiribati’s land purchase in Fiji, in Contemporary Pacific 29, 231-263.

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Apocalypse-cinema: 2012 and other ends of the world


Szendy P. (2015) Apocalypse-cinema: 2012 and other ends of the world, in Apocalypse-Cinema: 2012 and Other Ends of the World [volume not available], 1-159.

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Domestic rooftop water harvesting - A case study


Dwivedi A.K., Bhadauria S.S. (2009) Domestic rooftop water harvesting - A case study, in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4, 31-38.

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Gobbledygook: Political questions, manageability, & partisan gerrymandering


Gentithes M. (2020) Gobbledygook: Political questions, manageability, & partisan gerrymandering, in Iowa Law Review 105, 1081-1125.

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About some trends of interpretation of the concept of progress in modern social theory


Gutorov V.A. (2017) About some trends of interpretation of the concept of progress in modern social theory, in Voprosy Filosofii [volume not available], 32-43.

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Neural processes during encoding support durable memory


Dong Q., Xue G., Chen C., Liu Q. (2014) Neural processes during encoding support durable memory, in NeuroImage 88, 1-9.

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The Truck of Doom as an instrument of fate: Characteristic features of plot construction in South Korean TV series


Tarasova A.V. (2021) The Truck of Doom as an instrument of fate: Characteristic features of plot construction in South Korean TV series, in Shagi/ Steps 6, 151-169.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk