All publications - existential risk

Polyhedral coherent risk measures and investment portfolio optimization


Kirilyuk V.S. (2008) Polyhedral coherent risk measures and investment portfolio optimization, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 44, 250-260.

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Advances and prospects of carbon dots for microplastic analysis


Tammina S.K., Khan A., Rhim J.W. (2023) Advances and prospects of carbon dots for microplastic analysis, in Chemosphere 313, [pages not available].

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Risk management measures and welfare of aquaculture farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria: Does fish biodiversity play any role?


Ajibefun I.A., Oparinde L.O., Amos T.T. (2023) Risk management measures and welfare of aquaculture farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria: Does fish biodiversity play any role?, in Aquaculture Economics and Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Biofoundries and citizen science can accelerate disease surveillance and environmental monitoring


Holub M., Agena E. (2023) Biofoundries and citizen science can accelerate disease surveillance and environmental monitoring, in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, [pages not available].

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Regional impacts of future land-cover changes on the Amazon basin wet-season climate


da Silva R.R., Werth D., Avissar R. (2008) Regional impacts of future land-cover changes on the Amazon basin wet-season climate, in Journal of Climate 21, 1153-1170.

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The Poetics of White: Concepts of Greek Antiquity in the Age of the Avant-garde


Kocziszky E. (2015) The Poetics of White: Concepts of Greek Antiquity in the Age of the Avant-garde, in Arcadia 50, 343-365.

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Construction of efficient Ni-FeLDH@MWCNT@Cellulose acetate floatable microbeads for Cr(VI) removal: Performance and mechanism


Elgarhy G.S., Abd El-Monaem E.M., Eltaweil A.S., El-Subruiti G.M., Omer A.M. (2023) Construction of efficient Ni-FeLDH@MWCNT@Cellulose acetate floatable microbeads for Cr(VI) removal: Performance and mechanism, in Carbohydrate Polymers 311, [pages not available].

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A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment


Jamshidi A., Núñez A., Hajizadeh S., Faghih-Roohi S., De Schutter B., Babuska R., Li Z., Dollevoet R. (2017) A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment, in Risk Analysis 37, 1495-1507.

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Entropy and "The end of the world"


Gerelli E. (1986) Entropy and "The end of the world", in Science of the Total Environment, The 56, 297-300.

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Pinel E.C., Yawger G.C., Oleskowicz T. (2023) NOT DRINKING AND ALONE: ALCOHOL USE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR EXISTENTIAL ISOLATION, in Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 42, 267-291.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk