All publications - existential risk

Economistic and Humanistic Narratives of Leadership in the Age of Globality: Toward a Renewed Darwinian Theory of Leadership


Pirson M., Lawrence P.R. (2015) Economistic and Humanistic Narratives of Leadership in the Age of Globality: Toward a Renewed Darwinian Theory of Leadership, in Journal of Business Ethics 128, 383-394.

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'Events dear boy, events': Terrorism and security from the perspective of politics


Neal A.W. (2012) 'Events dear boy, events': Terrorism and security from the perspective of politics, in Critical Studies on Terrorism 5, 107-120.

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Coping capacity attenuates the effect of natural disaster risk on conspiracy beliefs


Zhao Q., Spadaro G., Prooijen J.W.v. (2024) Coping capacity attenuates the effect of natural disaster risk on conspiracy beliefs, in Journal of Environmental Psychology 97, [pages not available].

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Drone-Based Identification and Monitoring of Two Invasive Alien Plant Species in Open Sand Grasslands by Six RGB Vegetation Indices


Bakacsy L., Tobak Z., Biró C., van Leeuwen B., Szilassi P., Szatmári J. (2023) Drone-Based Identification and Monitoring of Two Invasive Alien Plant Species in Open Sand Grasslands by Six RGB Vegetation Indices, in Drones 7, [pages not available].

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Catastrophe Risk Management for Electric Power Distribution Systems: An Insurance Approach


Bian Y., Bie Z., Li G., Sun S., Hu Q. (2023) Catastrophe Risk Management for Electric Power Distribution Systems: An Insurance Approach, in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 9, 393-410.

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Technology, Money, and Work: The Ecological Nexus


Vidal G., Marshall W.C. (2024) Technology, Money, and Work: The Ecological Nexus, in Journal of Economic Issues 58, 650-655.

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Handbook on democracy and security


Seltzer N.A., Wilson S.L. (2023) Handbook on democracy and security, in Handbook on Democracy and Security [volume not available], 1-372.

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Postludes: Cinema at the end of the world


Armand L. (2017) Postludes: Cinema at the end of the world, in Angelaki - Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 22, 155-163.

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Anthropo-entomophagy: Cultures, evolution and sustainability


Ramos-Elorduy J. (2009) Anthropo-entomophagy: Cultures, evolution and sustainability, in Entomological Research 39, 271-288.

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Spatiotemporal changes of ecological environment quality and climate drivers in Zoige Plateau


Fei Y., Yuan Y., Yang J., Yang Y., Li H., Chen G., Wang J., Xiong J. (2023) Spatiotemporal changes of ecological environment quality and climate drivers in Zoige Plateau, in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk