All publications - existential risk

Schelling’s dark nature and the prospects for ‘Ecological civilisation’


Barentsen G. (2019) Schelling’s dark nature and the prospects for ‘Ecological civilisation’, in Cosmos and History 15, 91-116.

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Getting down and dirty


Meisner M. (2010) Getting down and dirty, in Alternatives Journal 36, [pages not available].

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Sethian crowns, Sethian Martyrs Jewish apocalypses and christian Martyrs in a gnostic literary tradition


Burns D.M. (2014) Sethian crowns, Sethian Martyrs Jewish apocalypses and christian Martyrs in a gnostic literary tradition, in Numen 61, 552-568.

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Solitary fibrofolliculoma of the upper eyelid in a 68-year old female: a case report


Cheng J., Wang W. (2020) Solitary fibrofolliculoma of the upper eyelid in a 68-year old female: a case report, in BMC ophthalmology 20, 97.

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Speak, "Memory": Simulation and satire in reagan library


Lee S.-S. (2010) Speak, "Memory": Simulation and satire in reagan library, in Regards Croises: Perspectives on digital literature [volume not available], 41-62.

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Long-term ecological changes in China's Ramsar sites


Xue C., Tian B., Duan Y., Hu Y., Fan H. (2023) Long-term ecological changes in China's Ramsar sites, in Ecological Indicators 149, [pages not available].

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Does It Matter How Australian the Apocalypse Is?


Littmann G. (2024) Does It Matter How Australian the Apocalypse Is?, in Mad Max and Philosophy Thinking Through the Wasteland [volume not available], 203-214.

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Optimization and Identification of Stochastic Systems*


Knopov P.S. (2023) Optimization and Identification of Stochastic Systems*, in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 59, 375-384.

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Determinants of credit demand of farmers in Lam Dong, Vietnam: A comparison of machine learning and multinomial logit


Dam A.H.T., Pham T.T., Nguyen T.M.T., Dang H.D. (2019) Determinants of credit demand of farmers in Lam Dong, Vietnam: A comparison of machine learning and multinomial logit, in Agricultural Finance Review [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Continuity as Catastrophe: Origins of a Thesis in Walter Benjamin


Vandeputte T. (2023) Continuity as Catastrophe: Origins of a Thesis in Walter Benjamin, in New German Critique 50, 59-82.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk