All publications - existential risk

Black swan: bibliometric analysis and development of research agenda


Dhir S., Parameswar N., Chaubey A. (2021) Black swan: bibliometric analysis and development of research agenda, in Benchmarking [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Potential shortfalls of using entomopathogenic fungi for boosting the sterile insect technique to control the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis


Chailleux A., Ahmad S., Diop S., Deletre E., Brévault T., Fellous S., Dosso F. (2024) Potential shortfalls of using entomopathogenic fungi for boosting the sterile insect technique to control the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, in Journal of Pest Science [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential threats to pastoralism in an arid environment: the fate of Gujii pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia


Guye M.H., Mohammed Y., Legesse A. (2023) Existential threats to pastoralism in an arid environment: the fate of Gujii pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia, in Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 10, 4179-4190.

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The 2023-2026 Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Research Agenda


Keller S., Sullivan S.S., Thrane S.E., Wright P.M., Isaacson M.J., Kates J., Rosa W.E., James R., Mooney-Doyle K., Tanner J., Boyden J.Y., Hinds P.S., Tay D., Natal M., Coats H., Broden E.G., Xu J., Mayahara M., Doyon K., Frechman E. (2023) The 2023-2026 Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association Research Agenda, in Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 25, 55-74.

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About some trends of interpretation of the concept of progress in modern social theory


Gutorov V.A. (2017) About some trends of interpretation of the concept of progress in modern social theory, in Voprosy Filosofii [volume not available], 32-43.

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Alley cropping as an alternative under changing climate and risk scenarios: A Monte-Carlo simulation approach


Frey G.E., Cary M.A. (2020) Alley cropping as an alternative under changing climate and risk scenarios: A Monte-Carlo simulation approach, in Agricultural Systems 185, [pages not available].

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Testing and analysis of chimney verticality


Zrinjski M., Polović-Duga Resa A., Tupek-Zagreb A., Barković Đ. (2019) Testing and analysis of chimney verticality, in Geodetski List 73, 239-260.

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Temporal Evolution, Oscillation and Coherence Characteristics Analysis of Global Solar Radiation Distribution in Major Cities in China’s Solar-Energy-Available Region Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform


Xue H., Qi D., Ni H., Li G. (2024) Temporal Evolution, Oscillation and Coherence Characteristics Analysis of Global Solar Radiation Distribution in Major Cities in China’s Solar-Energy-Available Region Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform, in Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 14, [pages not available].

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Retrieval practice facilitates memory updating by enhancing and differentiating medial prefrontal cortex representations


Shi L., Xue G., Li A., Chen C., Ye Z. (2020) Retrieval practice facilitates memory updating by enhancing and differentiating medial prefrontal cortex representations, in eLife 9, 1-51.

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Security of hedged fiat–shamir signatures under fault attacks


Zaverucha G., Orlandi C., Takahashi A., Aranha D.F. (2020) Security of hedged fiat–shamir signatures under fault attacks, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12105 LNCS, 644-674.

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Manually-curated Bibliography

Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk