All publications - existential risk

JT gravity from holographic reduction of 3D asymptotically flat spacetime


Saha M., Bhattacharjee A. (2023) JT gravity from holographic reduction of 3D asymptotically flat spacetime, in Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, [pages not available].

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Up in Smoke? The Impact of Smog on Risk Perception and Satisfaction of International Tourists in Beijing


Wu B., Pearce P.L., Morrison A.M., Li J. (2016) Up in Smoke? The Impact of Smog on Risk Perception and Satisfaction of International Tourists in Beijing, in International Journal of Tourism Research 18, 373-386.

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Assessment of future socioeconomic drought based on CMIP6: evolution, driving factors and propagation


Singh V.P., Zhou Z., Wang T., Lin K., Chen X., Tu X., Tan Y. (2023) Assessment of future socioeconomic drought based on CMIP6: evolution, driving factors and propagation, in Journal of Hydrology 617, [pages not available].

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RPR-Net: A Point Cloud-Based Rotation-Aware Large Scale Place Recognition Network


Zhang W., Song Z., He J., Liu H., Du X., Fan Z. (2023) RPR-Net: A Point Cloud-Based Rotation-Aware Large Scale Place Recognition Network, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 13801 LNCS, 709-725.

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Naxalbari and the Specters of Marx: A Contemporary Reflection on the Maoist Movement in India


Jal M. (2020) Naxalbari and the Specters of Marx: A Contemporary Reflection on the Maoist Movement in India, in Critique (United Kingdom) 48, 51-75.

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Energy and civilization: A history


Smil V. (2017) Energy and civilization: A history, in Energy and Civilization: A History [volume not available], 1-552.

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Self-fulfilling dynamics: The interactions of sovereign spreads, sovereign ratings and bank ratings during the euro financial crisis


Gibson H.D., Tavlas G.S., Hall S.G. (2017) Self-fulfilling dynamics: The interactions of sovereign spreads, sovereign ratings and bank ratings during the euro financial crisis, in Journal of International Money and Finance 73, 118-133.

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Expression profiles of loneliness-associated genes for survival prediction in cancer patients


You L.F., Yeh J.R., Su M.C. (2014) Expression profiles of loneliness-associated genes for survival prediction in cancer patients, in Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 15, 185-190.

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Constructing a multifrequency passive microwave hail retrieval and climatology in the GPM domain


Cecil D.J., Bang S.D. (2019) Constructing a multifrequency passive microwave hail retrieval and climatology in the GPM domain, in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58, 1889-1904.

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Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition and observations on the extinction horizon, Haymana Basin, Turkey


Özkan-Altıner S., Altıner D., Karabeyoğlu A.U. (2019) Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition and observations on the extinction horizon, Haymana Basin, Turkey, in Cretaceous Research 104, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk