All publications - existential risk

Monde, fin du monde, défaite du monde la mise en question du monde chez


Derrida J., Heidegger M. (2017) Monde, fin du monde, défaite du monde la mise en question du monde chez, in Revue Philosophique de Louvain 115, 85-118.

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The errors, insights and lessons of famous AI predictions-and what they mean for the future


Sotala K., Armstrong S., Héigeartaigh S.S.O. (2014) The errors, insights and lessons of famous AI predictions-and what they mean for the future, in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 26, 317-342.

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The impact of perceived threat and perceived coping efficacy on individual actions toward biodiversity conservation: a registered report


Wenzel M., Lange F., Nielsen K.S., Rowland Z. (2023) The impact of perceived threat and perceived coping efficacy on individual actions toward biodiversity conservation: a registered report, in Journal of Environmental Psychology 88, [pages not available].

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Terrible angels: Science fiction and the singularity


Broderick D. (2016) Terrible angels: Science fiction and the singularity, in Histories of the Future: Studies in Fact, Fantasy and Science Fiction [volume not available], 184-196.

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A prescription for cyber physical systems


Moradian E., Hakansson A., Hartung R.L. (2015) A prescription for cyber physical systems, in Procedia Computer Science 60, 1552-1558.

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Upgrading of townships in South Africa after apartheid


Uduku O. (2024) Upgrading of townships in South Africa after apartheid, in Tradition, Location and Community: Place-Making and Development [volume not available], 235-250.

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Addressing the emergent disaster riskscape in urban India


Patra J., Kantariya K. (2014) Addressing the emergent disaster riskscape in urban India, in Economic and Political Weekly 49, 16-19.

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The cometary impactor flux at the Earth


Weissman P.R. (2006) The cometary impactor flux at the Earth, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, 441-450.

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Attitudes Toward Catastrophe


Treich N., Rheinberger C.M. (2017) Attitudes Toward Catastrophe, in Environmental and Resource Economics 67, 609-636.

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Cooling materials that help save lives in the context of Covid-19’s economic recession


Torgal F.P. (2023) Cooling materials that help save lives in the context of Covid-19’s economic recession, in Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2022 [volume not available], 1409-1414.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk