All publications - existential risk

The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid


Chyba C.F., Thomas P.J., Zahnle K.J. (1993) The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid, in Nature 361, 40-44.

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84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024


[authors not available] (2024) 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024, in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2024, [pages not available].

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Medical countermeasures against chemical threats: A review of antidotes


Zhang Y.X., Zhou W.X., Liu G. (2016) Medical countermeasures against chemical threats: A review of antidotes, in Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 30, 1411-1418.

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Catching Up with the Future: Diplomacy for a New Global Landscape


Uilenreef A. (2024) Catching Up with the Future: Diplomacy for a New Global Landscape, in Hague Journal of Diplomacy 19, 737-745.

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Political ideology shapes support for the use of AI in policy-making


Gur T., Maaravi Y., Hameiri B. (2024) Political ideology shapes support for the use of AI in policy-making, in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 7, [pages not available].

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Anthropocene Objects: The Lifeboat, What is a Boat?


Colebrook C. (2023) Anthropocene Objects: The Lifeboat, What is a Boat?, in Theory and Event 26, 79-98.

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Nuclear Proliferation and the Use of Nuclear Options: Experimental Tests


Quek K. (2016) Nuclear Proliferation and the Use of Nuclear Options: Experimental Tests, in Political Research Quarterly 69, 195-206.

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Nursing Strategies to Help Children Cope with Eco-Anxiety


Rasmussen J. (2023) Nursing Strategies to Help Children Cope with Eco-Anxiety, in MCN The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 48, 195-199.

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The eschatological (apocalyptic) observations of Luke, with reference to Luke 21


Tomašević D. (2017) The eschatological (apocalyptic) observations of Luke, with reference to Luke 21, in Bogoslovska Smotra 87, 351-375.

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Pedagogical Artefacts: Representations and Inflections in Latin America


Atencio D., Rossi C. (2024) Pedagogical Artefacts: Representations and Inflections in Latin America, in Architectural Design 94, 84-93.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk