All publications - existential risk

Gender Gap in Urban Job Market During the Pandemic: The Case of Ukraine


Brik T., Obrizan M. (2023) Gender Gap in Urban Job Market During the Pandemic: The Case of Ukraine, in Comparative Economic Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Managing Forests for Carbon and Timber: A Markov Decision Model of Uneven-aged Forest Management With Risk


Withey P., Johnston C.M.T. (2017) Managing Forests for Carbon and Timber: A Markov Decision Model of Uneven-aged Forest Management With Risk, in Ecological Economics 138, 31-39.

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Scheme of Weather-Based Indemnity Indices for Insuring Against Freeze Damage to Citrus Orchards in Zhejiang, China


LOU W.-p., QIU X.-f., WU L.-h., NI H.-p., TANG Q.-y., MAO Y.-d. (2009) Scheme of Weather-Based Indemnity Indices for Insuring Against Freeze Damage to Citrus Orchards in Zhejiang, China, in Agricultural Sciences in China 8, 1321-1331.

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Environmental protection and industries in developing countries: the case of India after Bhopal


Meagher J.P. (1988) Environmental protection and industries in developing countries: the case of India after Bhopal, in Urban Law & Policy 9, 345-398.

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Leveraging Math Cognition to Combat Health Innumeracy


Mielicki M.K., Schiller L.K., Taber J.M., Sidney P.G., Scheibe D.A., Waters E.A., Fitzsimmons C.J., Rivera F., Thompson C.A. (2023) Leveraging Math Cognition to Combat Health Innumeracy, in Perspectives on Psychological Science 18, 152-177.

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Dispositional Factors Affecting Choices Surrounding the Purchase of Insurance and the Taking of Mitigating Measures Against Flooding


Tyszka T., Michailova J. (2019) Dispositional Factors Affecting Choices Surrounding the Purchase of Insurance and the Taking of Mitigating Measures Against Flooding, in Risk Analysis [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Energy and the politics of the North Atlantic


Gonzalez G.A. (2013) Energy and the politics of the North Atlantic, in Energy and the Politics of the North Atlantic [volume not available], 1-192.

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Towards a More Sustainable Mobility


Pallonetto F. (2023) Towards a More Sustainable Mobility, in Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy [volume not available], 465-486.

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Distrust as a disease avoidance strategy: Individual differences in disgust sensitivity regulate generalized social trust


Osmundsen M., Petersen M.B., Aarøe L. (2016) Distrust as a disease avoidance strategy: Individual differences in disgust sensitivity regulate generalized social trust, in Frontiers in Psychology 7, [pages not available].

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Comparison of rule bound systems theory to traditional systems theory


Ballonoff P.A. (1996) Comparison of rule bound systems theory to traditional systems theory, in Cybernetics and Systems 27, 317-326.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk