All publications - existential risk

Nanotechnology applications for enhanced crop growth and yield


Rajput V.D., Mohammad Al-Tawaha A.R., Minkina T.M., Singh A., Ghazaryan K., Rawat S., Alexiou A.T., Rajput P. (2024) Nanotechnology applications for enhanced crop growth and yield, in Sustainable Agriculture: Nanotechnology and Biotechnology for Crop Production and Protection [volume not available], 53-68.

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Risk of extreme events under nonstationary conditions


Olsen J.R., Lambert J.H., Haimes Y.Y. (1998) Risk of extreme events under nonstationary conditions, in Risk Analysis 18, 497-510.

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Utility function security in artificially intelligent agents


Yampolskiy R.V. (2014) Utility function security in artificially intelligent agents, in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 26, 373-389.

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Zoonotic urbanisation: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology


Gandy M. (2023) Zoonotic urbanisation: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology, in Urban Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Attitudes Toward Catastrophe


Treich N., Rheinberger C.M. (2017) Attitudes Toward Catastrophe, in Environmental and Resource Economics 67, 609-636.

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Universities’ role in teaching practical politics


Alexander T. (2023) Universities’ role in teaching practical politics, in Who’s Afraid of Political Education?: The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation [volume not available], 127-143.

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Assessment of probable scenarios of radiological emergency and their consequences


Brosh B., Socol Y., Gofman Y., Yanovskiy M. (2020) Assessment of probable scenarios of radiological emergency and their consequences, in International Journal of Radiation Biology [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Flooded with debt


Klomp J. (2017) Flooded with debt, in Journal of International Money and Finance 73, 93-103.

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Covert Moral Enhancement: Are Dirty Hands Needed to Save the Planet?


Andrade G. (2024) Covert Moral Enhancement: Are Dirty Hands Needed to Save the Planet?, in Ethics, Policy and Environment [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Increasing fiscal resilience to disasters in the Pacific


Edmonds C., Noy I. (2019) Increasing fiscal resilience to disasters in the Pacific, in Natural Hazards 97, 1375-1393.

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Existential risk

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Other bibliographies are to be announced for specific x-risks, e.g., artificial intelligence or asteroid impact.

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Publications predicted to be relevant by our Machine Learning (ML) model, but not yet assessed by humans and thus not yet in the non-ML bibliography

Existential risk