All publications - existential risk

Staging Encounters with the End in Pre-Apocalyptic-Post-3.11 Japan


Fisch M. (2023) Staging Encounters with the End in Pre-Apocalyptic-Post-3.11 Japan, in Ethnos 88, 30-51.

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How should IR deal with the "end of the world"? Existential anxieties and possibilities in the Anthropocene


Simangan D. (2023) How should IR deal with the "end of the world"? Existential anxieties and possibilities in the Anthropocene, in Review of International Studies [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential humility: strong tests of intellectual humility


Campbell W.K., Van Tongeren D.R., Green J.D. (2023) Existential humility: strong tests of intellectual humility, in Journal of Positive Psychology 18, 259-263.

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The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid


Chyba C.F., Thomas P.J., Zahnle K.J. (1993) The 1908 Tunguska explosion: Atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid, in Nature 361, 40-44.

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Can Conspiracy Beliefs Be Beneficial? Longitudinal Linkages Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Anxiety, Uncertainty Aversion, and Existential Threat


Becker J.C., Christ O., Liekefett L. (2023) Can Conspiracy Beliefs Be Beneficial? Longitudinal Linkages Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Anxiety, Uncertainty Aversion, and Existential Threat, in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49, 167-179.

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The impact of tropical cyclones on income inequality in the U.S.: An empirical analysis


Kulanthaivelu E. (2023) The impact of tropical cyclones on income inequality in the U.S.: An empirical analysis, in Ecological Economics 209, [pages not available].

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Pathways to Equity in Addressing Climate Change: A Bahá'í Perspective


Dixon M., Sarracino R.S. (2024) Pathways to Equity in Addressing Climate Change: A Bahá'í Perspective, in Zygon 59, 220-244.

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Negative emotions about climate change are related to insomnia symptoms and mental health: Cross-sectional evidence from 25 countries


Tsubakita T., Ogunbode C.A., Ardi R., Jiang F., Tan C.S., Torres-Marín J., Enea V., Pallesen S., Mbungu W., Lomas M.J., Doran R., Tahir H., Salmela-Aro K., Maran D.A., Böhm G., Sollar T., Navarro-Carrillo G., Chegeni R., Marot T., Lins S., Chukwuorji J.B.C., Onyutha C., Aquino S., Wlodarczyk A., Ojewumi K., Schermer J.A., Park J., Bhullar N., Hanss D., Volkodav T., van den Broek K.L., Lu S., Reyes M.E.S., Ghanbarian E. (2023) Negative emotions about climate change are related to insomnia symptoms and mental health: Cross-sectional evidence from 25 countries, in Current Psychology 42, 845-854.

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Plastic-eating fungus caused doomsday[2][3]


Burnett E. (2024) Plastic-eating fungus caused doomsday[2][3], in Nature [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Language at the end of the world: Beckett and eco-deconstruction


Atkinson D. (2020) Language at the end of the world: Beckett and eco-deconstruction, in Samuel Beckett Today - Aujourd'hui 32, 222-238.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk