All publications - existential risk

Knowledge and awareness of artificial food colours and its impact on nutrition and health among adolescent population


Jothi Priya A., Mohanraj K.G., Ganesh S. (2020) Knowledge and awareness of artificial food colours and its impact on nutrition and health among adolescent population, in International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11, 1814-1821.

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Evolutionary and population (epi)genetics of immunity to infection


Barreiro L.B., Quintana-Murci L. (2020) Evolutionary and population (epi)genetics of immunity to infection, in Human Genetics [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Language Agents and Malevolent Design


Yum I. (2024) Language Agents and Malevolent Design, in Philosophy and Technology 37, [pages not available].

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Morphometric and anthropogenic factors of flood risk in the Lower Kura


Aliev V.A., Ramanazanly Z.Z., Akhmedov A.A., Makhmudov R.N. (2017) Morphometric and anthropogenic factors of flood risk in the Lower Kura, in Water Resources 44, 192-195.

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Comparative capitalisms in the Anthropocene: a research agenda for green transition


Green J. (2023) Comparative capitalisms in the Anthropocene: a research agenda for green transition, in New Political Economy 28, 329-346.

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The impact of perceived threat and perceived coping efficacy on individual actions toward biodiversity conservation: a registered report


Wenzel M., Lange F., Nielsen K.S., Rowland Z. (2023) The impact of perceived threat and perceived coping efficacy on individual actions toward biodiversity conservation: a registered report, in Journal of Environmental Psychology 88, [pages not available].

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Universities’ role in teaching practical politics


Alexander T. (2023) Universities’ role in teaching practical politics, in Who’s Afraid of Political Education?: The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation [volume not available], 127-143.

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Counter-Revolutionary Strikebreaking in Interwar Europe, 1918–1929: The Role of Norway, Christopher Fougner, and Samfundshjelpen


Kunkeler N. (2023) Counter-Revolutionary Strikebreaking in Interwar Europe, 1918–1929: The Role of Norway, Christopher Fougner, and Samfundshjelpen, in Scandinavian Journal of History [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Mediating climate politics: The surprising case of Brazil


Dayrell C., Urry J. (2015) Mediating climate politics: The surprising case of Brazil, in European Journal of Social Theory 18, 257-273.

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Tracking caldera cycles in the Aso magmatic system – Applications of magnetite composition as a proxy for differentiation


Bachmann O., Geshi N., Miyakawa A., Keller F., Guillong M. (2023) Tracking caldera cycles in the Aso magmatic system – Applications of magnetite composition as a proxy for differentiation, in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 436, [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk