All publications - existential risk

Smart Quarantine Environment Privacy through IoT Gadgets Using Blockchain


Urooj S., Singha A.K., Mohamed H.G., Patil A.R., Pathak N., Siddiqui S.T. (2023) Smart Quarantine Environment Privacy through IoT Gadgets Using Blockchain, in Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 35, 3021-3036.

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Environmental protection and industries in developing countries: the case of India after Bhopal


Meagher J.P. (1988) Environmental protection and industries in developing countries: the case of India after Bhopal, in Urban Law & Policy 9, 345-398.

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"Nuclear" medicine physicians as communicators: Their point of view on the aftermath of "nuclear" disaster


Staudenherz A., Sinzinger H. (2012) "Nuclear" medicine physicians as communicators: Their point of view on the aftermath of "nuclear" disaster, in Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 162, 60-66.

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Limit analysis of flaws in pressurized pipes and cylindrical vessels. Part II: Circumferential defects


Staat M., Vu D.K. (2012) Limit analysis of flaws in pressurized pipes and cylindrical vessels. Part II: Circumferential defects, in Engineering Fracture Mechanics 97, 314-333.

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'Events dear boy, events': Terrorism and security from the perspective of politics


Neal A.W. (2012) 'Events dear boy, events': Terrorism and security from the perspective of politics, in Critical Studies on Terrorism 5, 107-120.

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The Fear of Ethnic Domination: Explaining the Persistence of Natural Resource Conflicts in Nigeria


Ejiofor P.F. (2023) The Fear of Ethnic Domination: Explaining the Persistence of Natural Resource Conflicts in Nigeria, in Ethnopolitics 22, 1-21.

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‘Owning’ climate change for moral education


Orchard J., Reiss M.J. (2024) ‘Owning’ climate change for moral education, in Journal of Moral Education [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Dedicate Your Life to the Company! A Terror Management Perspective on Organizations


Jonas E., Kauffeld S., Sullivan D., Fritsche I. (2011) Dedicate Your Life to the Company! A Terror Management Perspective on Organizations, in Journal of Applied Social Psychology 41, 2858-2882.

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Integral Planetary Defense. A new security concept for the Anthropocene


Soler E.S., Asensio E.P., Tarancón A.C. (2023) Integral Planetary Defense. A new security concept for the Anthropocene, in Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho [volume not available], 366-400.

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Black Mirror as Philosophy: A Dark Reflection of Human Nature


Lay C. (2024) Black Mirror as Philosophy: A Dark Reflection of Human Nature, in The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy [volume not available], 479-501.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk