All publications - existential risk

Choice under aggregate uncertainty


Al-Najjar N.I., Pomatto L. (2016) Choice under aggregate uncertainty, in Theory and Decision 80, 187-209.

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This American dream


Dawdy S. (2023) This American dream, in Anthropology and Humanism [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Flooded with debt


Klomp J. (2017) Flooded with debt, in Journal of International Money and Finance 73, 93-103.

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From make believe to doomsday eve: Or should we patent genes?


Schonmann A. (1998) From make believe to doomsday eve: Or should we patent genes?, in Medicine and Law 17, 455-476.

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How much initiative should a service robot have?


Murphy R.R. (2024) How much initiative should a service robot have?, in Science Robotics 9, [pages not available].

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Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels


Lowry J. (2017) Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels, in Avoiding Carbon Apocalypse Through Alternative Energy: Life After Fossil Fuels [volume not available], 1-150.

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Regulating pests—material politics and calculation in integrated pest management


Wolff L. (2023) Regulating pests—material politics and calculation in integrated pest management, in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 6, 455-472.

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The intersection of space and sustainability: The need for a transdisciplinary and bi-cultural approach


Morris A., Rattenbury N., Bickerton S., Gorman A., Katavich-Barton S., Henry L., Varughese C., Dhopade P., Mankelow C. (2023) The intersection of space and sustainability: The need for a transdisciplinary and bi-cultural approach, in Acta Astronautica 211, 684-701.

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Un-fathoming the spirit of sustainability


McConnell W. (2016) Un-fathoming the spirit of sustainability, in Spirituality and Sustainability: New Horizons and Exemplary Approaches [volume not available], 215-234.

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Risk of extreme events under nonstationary conditions


Olsen J.R., Lambert J.H., Haimes Y.Y. (1998) Risk of extreme events under nonstationary conditions, in Risk Analysis 18, 497-510.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk