All publications - existential risk

Kinship at the End of the World: Apocalyptic Media and The Last Man on Earth as a Manifesto for Life in Eco-Crisis


Classen C.L., Holladay H.W. (2024) Kinship at the End of the World: Apocalyptic Media and The Last Man on Earth as a Manifesto for Life in Eco-Crisis, in Television Sitcom and Cultural Crisis [volume not available], 151-163.

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The TESCREAL bundle: Eugenics and the promise of utopia through artificial general intelligence


Gebru T., Torres É.P. (2024) The TESCREAL bundle: Eugenics and the promise of utopia through artificial general intelligence, in First Monday 29, [pages not available].

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Nuclear Proliferation and the Use of Nuclear Options: Experimental Tests


Quek K. (2016) Nuclear Proliferation and the Use of Nuclear Options: Experimental Tests, in Political Research Quarterly 69, 195-206.

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Preventing Nuclear War


Ifft E. (2024) Preventing Nuclear War, in Survival 66, 129-144.

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Post-Disaster Scenarios: Towards Environmental Alternatives of the Global South


Hrubec M. (2023) Post-Disaster Scenarios: Towards Environmental Alternatives of the Global South, in Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 21, 512-525.

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What we owe to future people: A contractualist account of intergenerational ethics


Finneron-Burns E. (2024) What we owe to future people: A contractualist account of intergenerational ethics, in What We Owe to Future People: A Contractualist Account of Intergenerational Ethics [volume not available], 1-233.

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The doomsday argument is alive and kicking


Bostrom N. (1999) The doomsday argument is alive and kicking, in Mind 108, 539-550.

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Artificial intelligence and indigenous perspectives: Protecting and empowering intelligent human beings


Maitra S. (2020) Artificial intelligence and indigenous perspectives: Protecting and empowering intelligent human beings, in AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society [volume not available], 320-326.

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Balancing long-term and short-term strategies in a sustainability game


Bertolotti F., Roman S. (2024) Balancing long-term and short-term strategies in a sustainability game, in iScience 27, [pages not available].

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How to stop killer asteroids


Zachary G.P. (2015) How to stop killer asteroids, in IEEE Spectrum 52, 8.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk