All publications - existential risk

Viability of psychological panarchy: Thought as an ecology


Varey W. (2011) Viability of psychological panarchy: Thought as an ecology, in Systems Research and Behavioral Science 28, 509-525.

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Going to work for wind power. The renewable energy of the future is already beggining to generate new jobs to replace the ones that are disappearing in the energy sectors


Renner M. (2001) Going to work for wind power. The renewable energy of the future is already beggining to generate new jobs to replace the ones that are disappearing in the energy sectors, in World Watch 14, 22-30.

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Portfolio optimization in the catastrophe space


Chang J.S.K., Yu M.T., Chang C.W., Zhao Y. (2020) Portfolio optimization in the catastrophe space, in European Financial Management [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Dynamic Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Injection in Depleted Carbonate Oil Reservoir for its Sequestration Potential: An Experimental Study


Al-Abdrabalnabi R., Wu Y.S., Kamal M.S., Khan S.Z., Zhou X., Yu W., Elsayed M. (2023) Dynamic Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Injection in Depleted Carbonate Oil Reservoir for its Sequestration Potential: An Experimental Study, in SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, MEOS, Proceedings [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Prediction intervals for carbon dioxide emissions in China by extreme learning machine ensemble based on particle swarm optimization


Li L., Yao T. (2024) Prediction intervals for carbon dioxide emissions in China by extreme learning machine ensemble based on particle swarm optimization, in Global Nest Journal 26, [pages not available].

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PCB design in the '90s. One tool developer's predictions for the 'knowledge' decade


Pavitt Mark (1993) PCB design in the '90s. One tool developer's predictions for the 'knowledge' decade, in Printed circuit design 10, [pages not available].

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Outlandish Apocalyptics and Creaturely Life in Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'My Kinsman, Major Molineux'


Boyden M. (2016) Outlandish Apocalyptics and Creaturely Life in Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'My Kinsman, Major Molineux', in Studia Neophilologica 88, 47-56.

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COMT and DRD2/ANKK-1 gene-gene interaction account for resetting of gamma neural oscillations to auditory stimulus-driven attention


Garcia-Garcia M., SanMiguel I., Clemente I.C., Escera C., Zarnowiec K., Via M. (2017) COMT and DRD2/ANKK-1 gene-gene interaction account for resetting of gamma neural oscillations to auditory stimulus-driven attention, in PLoS ONE 12, [pages not available].

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Bonilla C.A. (2016) SOCIAL CHOICE AND TIME CONSISTENCY WITH LOW-PROBABILITY EVENTS, in Macroeconomic Dynamics [volume not available], 1-6.

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A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment


Jamshidi A., Núñez A., Hajizadeh S., Faghih-Roohi S., De Schutter B., Babuska R., Li Z., Dollevoet R. (2017) A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment, in Risk Analysis 37, 1495-1507.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk