All publications - existential risk

Wildfire: A Canadian Perspective


McFarlane B., Tymstra C., McGee T. (2014) Wildfire: A Canadian Perspective, in Wildfire Hazards, Risks, and Disasters [volume not available], 35-58.

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Effective altruism as an ethical lens on research priorities


Brawner J., Alcalá-Brisenõ R.I., Poudel R., Fayette J., Rothschild J., Small I.M., Delaquis E., Thomas-Sharma S., Purves D., Garrett K.A., Andersen K.F., Xing Y., Choudhury R.A. (2020) Effective altruism as an ethical lens on research priorities, in Phytopathology 110, 708-722.

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A new information diffusion modelling technique based on vibrating string equation and its application in natural disaster risk assessment


Wang Z., Zhang R., Qian L.X., Hong M., Bai C.Z. (2015) A new information diffusion modelling technique based on vibrating string equation and its application in natural disaster risk assessment, in International Journal of General Systems 44, 601-614.

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Uncertainty: The soul of modeling, probability and statistics


Briggs W. (2016) Uncertainty: The soul of modeling, probability and statistics, in Uncertainty: The Soul of Modeling, Probability and Statistics [volume not available], 1-258.

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Advancing empirical resilience research


Kalisch R., Tüscher O., Müller M.B. (2015) Advancing empirical resilience research, in Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38, [pages not available].

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Response of ecological environment quality to land use transition based on dryland oasis ecological index (DOEI) in dryland: A case study of oasis concentration area in Middle Heihe River, China


Chen W., Lu H., Zhao R. (2024) Response of ecological environment quality to land use transition based on dryland oasis ecological index (DOEI) in dryland: A case study of oasis concentration area in Middle Heihe River, China, in Ecological Indicators 165, [pages not available].

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Maritime cargo prioritisation during a prolonged pandemic lockdown using an integrated topsis-knapsack technique: A case study on small island developing states—the rodrigues island


Sooprayen K., Kontovas C.A. (2020) Maritime cargo prioritisation during a prolonged pandemic lockdown using an integrated topsis-knapsack technique: A case study on small island developing states—the rodrigues island, in Sustainability (Switzerland) 12, 1-20.

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Exploration of qualitative characteristics of ground water at chakrata block in dehradun


Netula O. (2020) Exploration of qualitative characteristics of ground water at chakrata block in dehradun, in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29, 5363-5369.

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Giant impact-induced blow-off of primordial atmosphere


Ni S., Ahrens T.J. (2005) Giant impact-induced blow-off of primordial atmosphere, in Special Paper of the Geological Society of America 384, 427-432.

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Risk-taking attitudes and behaviors in the Norwegian population: the influence of personality and background factors


Sookermany A.M.D., Breivik G., Sand T.S. (2020) Risk-taking attitudes and behaviors in the Norwegian population: the influence of personality and background factors, in Journal of Risk Research [volume not available], [pages not available].

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Existential risk

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Existential risk