All publications - existential risk

Euphoria in Unhappiness: Technology and Revelation in Jennifer Haley's Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom and The Nether


Phillips M.S. (2024) Euphoria in Unhappiness: Technology and Revelation in Jennifer Haley's Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom and The Nether, in Comparative Drama 58, 205-227.

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Aloe vera silver nanoparticles addition in chitosan films: improvement of physicochemical properties for eco-friendly food packaging material


Martano S., Cannavale A., Costa D., Mazzotta S., Martino M., Manno D., Paladini F., De Matteis V., Cascione M., Rinaldi R. (2023) Aloe vera silver nanoparticles addition in chitosan films: improvement of physicochemical properties for eco-friendly food packaging material, in Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 1015-1033.

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Of, for, and by the people: the legal lacuna of synthetic persons


Bryson J.J., Diamantis M.E., Grant T.D. (2017) Of, for, and by the people: the legal lacuna of synthetic persons, in Artificial Intelligence and Law 25, 273-291.

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What to do with the singularity paradox?


Yampolskiy R.V. (2013) What to do with the singularity paradox?, in Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics 5, 397-413.

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From make believe to doomsday eve: Or should we patent genes?


Schonmann A. (1998) From make believe to doomsday eve: Or should we patent genes?, in Medicine and Law 17, 455-476.

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Boundaries of 11-dimensional membranes


Cederwall M. (1997) Boundaries of 11-dimensional membranes, in Modern Physics Letters A 12, 2641-2645.

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Nahar S. (2023) RELIGION, BODY, EXCRETA, in The Routledge Handbook of Religion and the Body [volume not available], 421-434.

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Bioenergy: biomass sources, production, and applications: a gateway to sustainable energy


Chopra M., Sharma I., Taneja T. (2023) Bioenergy: biomass sources, production, and applications: a gateway to sustainable energy, in Green Approach to Alternative Fuel for a Sustainable Future [volume not available], 443-451.

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In situ adsorption of CO2 to enhance biomass gasification for hydrogen production using Ca/Ni based composites


Li R., Gao N., Wang M., Quan C., Yang T. (2023) In situ adsorption of CO2 to enhance biomass gasification for hydrogen production using Ca/Ni based composites, in Journal of the Energy Institute 108, [pages not available].

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The Malicious Effects of Existential Threat on Motivation to Protect the Natural Environment and the Role of Environmental Identity as a Moderator


Fritsche I., Häfner K. (2012) The Malicious Effects of Existential Threat on Motivation to Protect the Natural Environment and the Role of Environmental Identity as a Moderator, in Environment and Behavior 44, 570-590.

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Existential risk

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Existential risk